This world is full of goodness

Do not blame the world or curse the people around you. They are all a part of God’s wonderful creation. Everything here has a purpose, and everything here is to make you stronger – be it friends or enemies. There are flower spreads, and there are thorns as well – both to make you blossom from deep within.
Focus on yourself and your own experience; do not get caught in meaningless random talks of others. Then your experience will feel true and deep.
Open your eyes and see – there are only good people everywhere. Even the few wicked ones that you see around you are actually good-natured at heart. They are not really wicked, they are just unfortunate and their luck is not yet in their favour – which is why they resort to wrong deeds.
If you see from my eyes, you will only see that this world is full of goodness, and everyone and everything in the world belongs to us.