Keep having fun!


Have fun!

Take life lightly and seriously too. If you take life all serious, it is very boring. If you take it as all fun, it becomes frivolous, superficial.

You should have depth. Life should be silence and celebration, a combination of both.

Be dispassionate and totally passionate to bring transformation. Passion for transformation and dispassion for momentary pleasure – these two can make you a very, very deep person.

If you walk this path, you will have no dearth for anything, all will happen at the right time.

The spiritual path is not for everyone


After 8.4 million bodies, you get a human body. Just imagine, from bacteria, birds, animals, etc., 8.4 million lives later one gets a human life. In this human life, few get to know the real spiritual path. And among those, very few walk on the path and they are the lucky ones.

Adi Shankaracharya has also said that the human birth is very difficult to get.

After having gotten human birth, the desire of wanting to walk on the spiritual path, is also very difficult to get. Few people get this. And even after getting this desire to walk on the spiritual path, only few get the opportunity to do it; they get the right path.

So, a human birth, desire for a path, and the path being available to them (getting a Spiritual Master or Guru), these three things are rare and difficult to get. If you have all three, you are lucky.

Only the heart can understand Jesus


Love has neither name nor form, but manifests in all names and in all forms. This is the mystery of the creation. You can see love everywhere in this creation only if you have an eye to see it. Just see how a bird comes and feeds the young one in the nest. The young bird waits for the mother to come. There is love in that. There is love among fish. There is love in the sky. There is love underneath the water. There is love on the ground. And there is love in the outer space. Love goes with courage.

Look at the courage of Jesus. He completely overthrows the common concepts of people such as, ‘The strong will inherit the earth’. He turns it around, “The meek shall inherit the earth. The meek shall inherit heaven.” For love makes you meek. However strong you are, when you are in love, you are the weakest. Love is the strongest force in this universe and yet, it makes you meek. 

You cannot understand the sayings of Jesus if you are not alive with prana, with life force. The knowledge will all be just a concept in the head. Only the heart can feel that heart. Otherwise, in the name of Jesus, in the name of God, in the name of religion, people kill each other. Many wars have happened. For centuries, men have fought on this planet in the name of God. They had no clue about Jesus’s message. Of course, this was predicted by Jesus. 

He said, “I treat you like my friends, not as servants. For servants don’t know what the Lord does. I tell you, I share with you all that I have heard about my Father.” This is the best way to bring out the teaching. It is the best way to share love. With the Lord you have respect, but not a personal love. With a friend, you share your most intimate feelings, thoughts, ideas, and secrets. Jesus said, “I am your friend.”

When there is authority there cannot be love, and where there is love there is no authority. Jesus opens His arms and says, “Come, you are my friend, don’t be afraid, don’t put me on the altar. Give me a seat in your heart. See me in everyone you see around you. Love everyone as much as I love you, Or as much as you love me. Share that with everyone around.” 

What more do you want to see in that embodiment of love? But people still wanted proof. If Jesus came today, He would still be asked, “Prove to me you are the son of God.” In those days too, He was asked to prove how He was the son of God, even after turning water into wine. This is because the mind dwells on proof. The mind cannot understand Jesus, only the heart can feel the presence of Jesus. 

Spirit is eternal and beyond birth or death. Spirit is love beyond name and form. When you are truly in love with Jesus, you will see Jesus in every name, in every form, in every nook and corner of the planet and beyond.

Wishing all Merry Christmas!

Sarvajna - the Yogic Consciousness

Our consciousness is like a library. In a library, there are millions of books. The librarian holds all the books, but it is not necessary that he knows every book by heart. But he knows where what is and when it is needed, he can pick it up and use it. In the same way, though our consciousness is the abode of all the knowledge, it is not necessary to know everything all the time.

It is not possible to be in a physical body and to know everything. But when you are still, when your mind is in absolute stillness, and there is no craving and aversions, it is just free. Then you are like the librarian, who possesses all knowledge of the library and can access it when it is needed if it is needed.

A lawyer has all the books, but he doesn’t learn every word in all the books all the time. But when a particular case comes up, he knows which book to pick up and what to use. In the same way, our consciousness is an abode of all knowledge.

When you are so still and free from mental modulations, that is when you are a yogi. Then you can know the answer. That is why the still consciousness, yogic consciousness is called sarvajna. In that state of samadhi, the seed of all-knowingness is present in that consciousness.