Is there a secret relationship between enlightened masters and physics?

Listen; are you a student of physics? If you are that is great! If not, don’t be sorry! Students of arts can also get enlightened, no problem. Yes, Lord Krishna also says that first gain knowledge of the elements. Meaning we never considered physical sciences and spiritual knowledge separate. The one merges into the other.

What is the knowledge of the elements? How many elements are there? There are five elements; earth, water, air, fire, ether. Then mind, intellect, ego. All these are counted among the principal elements. As you gain deeper knowledge of these elements, you arrive at the knowledge of the soul. This is a very good thing.

It is only now that people have started talking about Quantum Physics. The fact that this entire universe is made up of a single element has been mentioned in India long ago by Adi Shankaracharya and also in the Vedas before him. If you read Yoga Vasistha, it would seem as though you were reading Physics. So, modern science is completely related to ancient knowledge.