According to ancient scriptures, we have five sheaths, physical environment, physical body, mind, intuitive sheath, and the Self. Our connection with the environment is the most important one. A clean and positive environment can affect all the other layers of existence. When there’s harmony in these layers, there’s a greater sense of peace and connectedness.

Spirituality has the power to check greed. It elevates one’s consciousness and brings a sense of caring and commitment for the whole planet. Spirituality elevates our consciousness. It opens our eyes to the beauty of nature, encourages us to revere nature and life and helps bring more joy and celebration into our lives. A spiritual outlook and sensitivity is essential to foster environmental consciousness.

Do not look for God somewhere in the sky, but see God in the mountains, water, trees and animals. When a seeker can honor the sanctity of the environment, then he can experience the same sanctity in his own mind. For the one who has transcended his mind, all time, every place and every mood is anyway sacred. (March 22 is World Water Day).