The entire creation is a huge organization. Everything is made up of atoms. The whole world is nothing but an organization where the atoms have decided to arrange themselves in a specific pattern, to form a particular substance. And those particular patterns bring them specific qualities. Death, decay and transformation happen when the atoms get bored with patterns and decide to reorganize themselves.
When the atoms of an apple say, “Enough of being an apple”, that is when the rotting starts. If there is never boredom of patterns, there can be no decay. The movement from one organized state to another is also organized. This is the transient organization which we call chaos. This transient organization may need a catalyst, and knowledge is such a catalyst. So, you have absolutely no escape from organization.
You cannot eliminate formality in society. It has its place. Formality improves communication. Communication is only necessary where there are two. Formality maintains duality. Cordiality improves communion – oneness. Without cordiality, formality can be hypocritical and may appear uncaring.
Organizational structures are based on formality. An organization cannot begin, orderliness cannot prevail, if formalities are abandoned. All your plans of action are measured steps of formality.
Cordiality is one’s nature, the core of one’s existence, formality is the outer shell. When the outer shell is thin, like the shade of a lamp, the inner light can shine forth. But if the shade is too opaque, you cannot see the light. Love and knowledge are rooted in cordiality. For these to blossom, you need an informal, cordial environment. Devotion is informal and totally chaotic.