Be happy now!

Once there was a congregation of fish, who got together to discuss who among them had seen the ocean. None of them could say they had actually seen the ocean. Then one fish said, ‘‘I think my great grandfather had seen the ocean!’’ A second fish said, ‘‘Yes, yes, I have also heard about this.’’ A third fish said, ‘‘Yes, certainly, his great grandfather had seen the ocean.’’

So, they built a huge temple and made a statue of the great grandfather of that particular fish, saying, “He had seen the ocean. He had been connected with the ocean.’’ In life, our search for happiness is like that. 

You can experience happiness at three levels. One is the happiness in society, in the environment. How can you bring about happy situations? How would you feel in a place where everybody around you thinks only about himself or herself ? Would you like to be in such a group where there is no sharing, no sense of belongingness, and no happiness?

The second level is the happiness of one’s mind. When one accepts things and moves in knowledge then the happiness dawns in the mind. Sometimes everybody around you is happy and you are serving others also but you are not happy in your mind; there is no fulfilment. Dedication brings the second level of happiness.

The third level is the happiness of the soul. This level of happiness happens when the soul is united with the Divine. When there is no duality, no two, when you are in deep meditation, then you experience this innermost joy.

All the three levels of happiness are interlinked. When you are totally united with the Divine you cannot but be fulfilled on the second level and on the third level and you cannot but serve because everybody is part of you. When you start serving and stop thinking about yourself all the time, mental satisfaction will come. The mind will also feel happy and relaxed and it creates such an environment.

A wise one is happy even in bad times. And the foolish one is unhappy even in good times. Spirituality is nothing out of the world. There is no division between what is spiritual, and what is material. Attaining a spiritual level is simply recognising that there is life everywhere, that there is spirit everywhere. When you go beyond happiness, what happens? The mind expands, at the same time it is not unconscious or unaware. Usually when you are happy, you become spaced out and you lose focus. When you are unhappy you are very focused. But a beautiful combination — of being happy and alert and focused at the same time — can be experienced in spiritual life.

Don't carry guilt with you


Guilt is not a pleasant feeling to go through but it has a purpose. It stops you from getting into a cycle of actions that are not good for you and for others. When such action happens, the guilt in you acts like a brake for you not to continue the same act. Guilt is good in the right amount and only for that period of time. If it goes beyond a limit, it eats you up like termites eat up a cupboard.

So, you need skill to get out of guilt, but, at the same time, not totally remove it. It is only when you truly realise that you are not the doer of any action that there is no purpose left for guilt. Until that blossoming, a little bit of guilt serves you. It protects you from any wrongdoing that you might engage in.

A mistake is something that pinches you. It is the pinch that irks the consciousness and that pinch disallows the mistake to be repeated. Be with the pinch and not the guilt. It will also stop you from repeating it. Your very wish to repent has solved the purpose. This wish is an indication that your intellect is maturing. Otherwise, you would not have been aware of your actions.

That person who did a mistake has packed his suitcase and gone. Now, inside you is a new person. Start believing in the innocence of the present moment. Krishna tells Arjuna, “I will relieve you from your sins. You just surrender. Then it’s my responsibility to take care of your sins. Don’t worry. Drop all that you are holding on to — even your dharma.” All that you need to do is to let go of everything you are holding on to.

Cultivate the joy of giving


There is a certain joy in getting something. That’s the joy children experience when they get things like toffees and toys. Parents and grandparents feel happy when they give. The joy in giving is much more fulfilling than the joy of receiving. Have you noticed how happy we feel when we share? When we see a good movie, for instance, we tell everybody about it, even recommending that they must see it. The moviemaker is not giving us any commission to do that! We just feel that our loved ones should have the same experience. Or an elderly lady who cooks different dishes for her grandchildren derives an enormous happiness from doing so. People who give, experience more happiness than people who receive. Graduating from the mindset of taking to that of giving purifies the mind and brings immense joy.

There are three ways to purify the mind. Yagna or collective action that purifies not just our minds and bodies but the environment as well. There are different kinds of yagnasjnana yagna, dravya, japa and dhyana yagna, for example. Among these, dhyana yagna, a group of individuals that collect to sing and meditate, is considered the highest. When we sing, chant or listen to chants, the sound vibrations penetrate every cell of our being and purifies the whole system. Likewise, when many people meditate together, the impact multiples manifold.

When we do daana, charity, or help someone who is really in need, the sigh of relief from that soul brings positive vibrations to you. These good deeds bring you merit, which in turn helps you go deep in meditation and elevate your consciousness. If we think of how we can be useful to those around us, we can never get depressed. People who get depressed do not know this. They get depressed because they keep thinking only about themselves. If they start to give or serve they will notice that their depression has vanished.

Tapas is the endurance of discomfort or restraining the senses. The practice of knowledge, wisdom, meditation, yoga, pranayama, and fasting, all come under tapas. If you are unhappy, one way to get out of your sorrow is tapas. Tapas is being in total acceptance of the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant.

All three, yagna, daana and tapas, purify our minds, consciousness and actions. They are, however, not one-time actions, but are to be done repeatedly. Make it a habit. Whenever we get an opportunity to be useful, we should embrace it. If, despite our meditation and other practices, we feel discomfort, we should do something to bring happiness and comfort to others. Giving is essential for spiritual growth. Willingness to share what we have and to help others without expecting anything in return, is called seva. Seva connects us to others. It dissolves barriers that separate our happiness from their happiness. We can serve others in endless ways. Serving in whatever possible manner we can, whether by contributing our time, donating money or just by speaking about positive things, will change our consciousness.

Let’s ask ourselves, “How can we be useful to people around us, and to the whole world?” Then our hearts start to blossom. The best seva is helping someone to understand this eternal nature of life. Life is a journey, moving from the joy of taking, to the joy of giving.