'Spiritual essence unites the hearts and minds of people'

What H.H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said today:

“Spiritual essence unites the hearts and minds of people.” said Sri Sri as he embarked on a ‘Spiritual Awakening Tour’ in Tamil Nadu from Aug. 2-10. Temple visits, tour of the Pancha Maha Bhootha Sthalas (temples that epitomize the Five elements), prayers and meditations were part of the tour.

Excerpts of What Sri Sri Ravishankar spoke at some of the different temples:

EKAMBARNATH, Kancheepuram
In Sanskrit, the world is called Prapancha. Prapancha means five elements in various permutations and combinations. The lord of the universe is here, is the dominating earth element.

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Kalahasti is the Vayu Stala, the sacred spot of the wind element. Whatever desires you have in this place, will be fulfilled. People do abhishek (offering) here for all these five elements, by offering water and flowers.
When you leave from here, you go with a peaceful and happy mind.

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BALAJI, Tirupati
Here, we pray for global peace and kshema (well-being and prosperity).
We crossed seven hills to visit Tirupati. In our body too, there are seven mountains. The seven chakras in the body are seven mountains, each chakra is like a mountain. Therefore, the master of the seven chakras, seven mountains is the Almighty.

When we are following Bhakti Marga, Gyana Marga and Karma Marga (the different paths of Yoga – devotion, knowledge and action), life becomes prasanna (blissful).

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The fire element symbolizes knowledge. It also symbolizes lust. From the fire of lust, the element gets transformed into the fire of knowledge.
And that is the whole aim or purpose of human life. We are born out of fire - the fire of lust. We cannot simply remain in that state. We have to rise to the fire of awareness, knowledge.

This phrase is often used: Anbe Shivam which means love is Shiva, and Shiva means love. They are not two. The fools say love and Shiva are separate. The intelligent know love and Shiva are one.

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(These were glimpses. Watch this space for the complete talks.)

(From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)

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