Life is both free will and destiny

Life is a combination of both destiny and free will. For example, your height is your destiny and your weight is your free will.
An intelligent person will always see the past as destiny, and the future as free will. If you think that the past was about free will, then you will only sit and regret in the present. And if you think that the future is all destiny then you will have no enthusiasm to do anything in the present. So fools think that the past was free will and the future is destiny, and get depressed and become unhappy
Someone once asked me, “Did you become a Guru by choice or by accident?”
I said, “By accident!” — so that is the destiny. Knowing that the past is destiny, the future is free will, you should live happily in the present moment. This is wisdom.
A strong body can carry a weak mind, but a weak mind cannot carry even a strong body. Clarity in the mind and purity in the heart are the signs of happiness. Having these will uplift your spirit, and it has not left anyone untouched.