Chakras and human emotions


There are 72,000 nadis (channels of life-force energy) in the body, and there are various nerve centers where these channels meet. The human body has 109 such centers, also called chakras. When energy flows through these nerve centers upwards or downwards, there are different emotions, feelings or sensations that one experiences. The 7 major:
at muladhara, it’s either enthusiasm or dullness;
at swadhishthana, procreation or creation;
at manipura, jealousy, generosity, joy or greed;
at anahata, love, fear or hatred;
at vishuddhi, gratitude or sorrow;
at ajna, anger or awareness; and
at sahasrara, there’s bliss.

Normally, life energy is flowing through these chakras, but if we feel disturbed or under pressure, there’s an obstruction in the flow of energy.

Place your attention on the energy in these chakras, and you will see that the negative energy in the chakras gradually dissolves. For example, if you feel jealous and then meditate with attention on your navel, the jealousy will automatically subside.

Bring your attention to these centers, observe them and the world of worries and thoughts that trouble your mind will disappear. There will be peace.