Real praise and the consciousness


Often when you praise, you praise in comparison to someone else. In order to praise one person, we put down someone else and when we want to point out someone’s mistake, we praise another. Some praise too little, and some are too shy to praise.

Some are not accustomed to praising and just forget to do so. Some praise with motives, and some praise just to elevate. Others praise themselves in order to hide their low self-esteem. 

But real praise dawns in a blossomed state of consciousness. The praise that comes out of an elevated state of consciousness simply arises from the nature of consciousness and is quite different.

Normally praise comes out of craving and pride. Praise that comes from a heightened consciousness always comes out of a sense of fulfilment. Praising can elevate the consciousness and bring enthusiasm and energy. But at the same time, it can bring arrogance. Praising is a skill. Take it without shying. When someone praises you do you take it without shying away? Accepting praise without shyness is also a skill.