If you are in love with the divine, then you can digest knowledge. Love is the appetizer – seva is the exercise. Without love and seva, knowledge becomes indigestible.
If love is the appetizer, what is the main course? Knowledge is the main course.
Everything here is recycled. The earth is millions of years old, the Alps, the water, the air. Billions of people have breathed the same air. You are recycled. All the particles in your body are old, your thoughts and emotions are recycled, your mind is recycled. You are a recycled person. Everything here is recycled. Consciousness is recycled it is the same old consciousness. Remind yourself that everything here is recycled material so relax.
Everything goes to where it came from. Recycling brings back purity and hygiene. Knowledge recycles the mind. Knowledge keeps everything fresh. That is why you can keep recycling the same creation. A mind in knowledge finds everything fresh. If you do not put knowledge into your mind, the mind gets rotten. Knowledge brings the mind back to purity. Recycling brings purity and hygiene.
So, what is my message? I have no message. In order to give a message one has to be far away. A message needs distance. A message is of the past, or of the future. A message is impersonal and lifeless. Knowledge cannot be a message.
The wise one will not give you a message but will simply awaken you. God will not give you a message. For God to give you a message, God has to be far away from you. God is closer to you than your breath. How can He give you a message? The wise neither need a message nor give a message. The unwise would give a message and want a message and would be unable to use the message anyway.
Whoever needs the message will not use it. And one who can use the message will not need it.
What is the difference between knowledge and a message or information? You can read about living in the moment again and again, but it only becomes knowledge when you experience it. You can read the ingredients but when you taste the food, the information becomes knowledge. Knowledge has an end. Knowledge completes.
So also does discipleship, for the goal of the disciple is to acquire knowledge. Once you cross the water, however nice the boat is, you get off the boat. After 12 years, the disciple completes his studies. The master does a ceremony called samavartha. He asks the disciple, to behave at par with him and allow the Divine, Brahman to manifest, he thus ends the discipleship.
Sakha is a beloved companion in life and death. Sakha only wants the beloved. He longs only for the beloved. Sakha does not care about knowledge or liberation. His love is infinite and infinity can never be full. His love is complete in its eternal incompleteness.
There is no end on the path of love. Arjuna was a sakha to Krishna and although Krishna was the perfect master, he was a sakha too. What are you, a shishya - a disciple, or a sakha - a beloved companion?