Yagnas are the ancient methods of enriching the subtle, to purify the individual as well as the collective consciousness.
Yagna has 3 aspects -
1. Deva puja - honouring the Divine in all forms.
2. Sangatikarana - hastening the process of evolution by unifying all the elements and people in creation.
3. Dana - sharing with others, giving freely what one has been blessed with.
Yagna creates energy and energy creates consciousness, awareness. Heightened awareness brings you close to reality and reality is a witness. To realise that everything is happening you need heightened awareness. And to bring about heightened awareness you have to increase prana.
Prana can be increased through -
1. Fasting and fresh food.
2. Cold water baths.
3. Total exhaustion, not letting sleep take over
4. Emotional peaks.
5. Singing and chanting.
6. Pranayam, Sudarshan Kriya and meditation.
7. Giving without giver-ship, serving without doer-ship.
8. The presence of the master.
9. Silence.
All these together are yagnas. To the degree that you are awake, everything around you brings knowledge. If you are not awake, even the most precious knowledge does not make sense.
Awareness depends upon your ability to open and shut your windows. When there is a storm, you need to shut your windows, otherwise you will get wet. When it is hot and suffocating inside, you need to open your windows. Your senses are like windows.
When you are awake, you have the ability to open and shut your windows at will, then you are free. If your windows cannot be shut or opened at will, you are bound. Attending to this is sadhana or spiritual practice.