You need one desire in life to move on

Hang on to one desire you need in life. I hang on to the desire, let the whole world be smiling, I want everybody to be happy. More and more people rejoicing the spiritual path, becoming compassionate, non-violent, vegetarian, and caring for nature. These are so many such good desires which are there. Catch one of them and keep it.

You need one desire in life to move on. You don’t need to drop everything. But you need to drop everything at the time of meditation. When you come to action you hold onto one desire.

It’s like when you go out you put on your shoes but when you go to bed you don’t go to bed with your shoes on. Does anybody do that here? Or when you go for a shower you remove your shoes. Nobody takes a shower with their shoes on.

So when you meditate, when you are in the course, when you’re doing practices, at that time, drop the desires. But later on when you are working in the world, pick and hold on to one desire of welfare, or one world family, beautiful planet, the coming generation, any one, okay!