Transcending sorrow


The only thing you must remember is how fortunate you are. When you forget this, you become sad. Sorrow indicates your attachment to your negative qualities as well as your attachment to your positive qualities. Your negative qualities make you sad. And when you think you are so great, you start blaming others, this also makes you become sad. The purpose of sorrow is to bring you back to the Self. And the Self is all joy. But this realization is possible only through knowledge - through awareness.

Knowledge or awareness leads sorrow towards the Self. Without knowledge, the same sorrow multiplies and does not get completed. Knowledge completes sorrow. Only with the power of knowledge do you transcend sorrow. In this path you have everything. You have this beautiful knowledge that has all flavours - wisdom, laughter, seva, silence, singing, dancing humour, celebrating, yagnas, caring, complaints, problems, complications - and chaos to add colour. Life is so colourful. 

It is only through merit that you can have faith. When you lack faith, there can be no happiness in either the inner or the outer world. Happiness springs from faith. Happiness is forgetting the body consciousness. Pain or sorrow is holding on to body consciousness. When you are happy, you do not feel the body and when you are miserable, you have aches and pains.

Often in guided meditation, one's attention is taken to various parts of the body. For an arrow to go forward, it must be pulled back. In the same way when you take attention to the various parts of the body, that process frees you from body consciousness.

If you are unhappy, check if any of these are lacking - tapas or penance, vairagya or dispassion, sharanagati or surrender. Tapas is agreeing with the moment, a total acceptance of pleasant or unpleasant situations. Vairagya means “I want nothing” and “I am nothing”. Sharanagati is "I am here for you, for your joy”.

If you are grumbling, it is because these are lacking in your life. When you accept your situation you cannot grumble, when you take it as tapas you will not grumble. When you come from a state of dispassion - “I do not want anything”, you do not grumble, and if you are surrendered you will have no complaints.

If you do not do it willingly, you will do it later out of desperation. First you will say, “Nothing can be done”. Then in anger and desperation you will say, “I give up, I want nothing, I have no choice, to hell with it”. All three of these - penance, dispassion and surrender, purify your mind and uplift you in joy.

There is no problem that cannot be solved. When you have a problem that you think cannot be solved, you have accepted it. Then it is no longer a problem, it is a fact. Suppose you think it is a problem that the ocean in Norway is too cold. Obviously, you cannot heat the ocean. So it cannot be changed, you accept it, and it is no longer a problem. Only when you are searching for a solution is there a problem. Thus there is no problem that cannot be solved.

The moment you realise there is no solution, a problem ceases to be a problem. The solution is the tail of every problem. Solutions comes to you when you are calm and collected, when you use intelligence, when you are not lethargic but active, and when you have strong faith in divine law.