Bad Antogast, Germany August 7, 2010
Q: Can you bring more sun here?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Today there is enough sun. We will take it one day at a time.
Q: Is genetically modified seed OK, or should we oppose it?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I don’t think genetically modified food is good. But genetically, we can help people get rid of diseases and problems. I am very worried about modifying food grains.
Q: Guruji, I want to be free. How can I be?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: (laughs), Freedom? How will I become free? You have to assume that you are free. Bondage is assumed, so freedom should also be assumed. Bondage is in the mind.
Today is a very special day. Every day is a special day, but today is ‘Shani pradosha’ i.e. Shivaratri on Saturday. Every month has one Shivaratri. On the 13th day after the full moon or two days before the new moon is Shivaratri. It is either on Monday or Saturday. If it falls on a Saturday, it is considered very auspicious. People chant and sing a lot of Shiva bhajans in the evening and meditate.
Q: Guruji, tell us about pradosha.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: ‘Pradosha’ is the time when divine energy dawns on the planet and redeems all the spirits. There are so many spirits. For people who die and exist as spirits, the day of pradosha redeems them, frees them. Freedom not just for the spirits but also for human beings. Desires are fulfilled and mind gets cleared. Shivaratri that comes once a year, known as ‘Maha Shivaratri’, is very special, the great night of Lord Shiva.
Every month, there is a special day of Shivratri. When you find there is festival every month, you become busy with the festivity, then you have no time to worry or do anything else.
Q: Please, tell us how to prevent pollution.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : We have to plant more trees and care for the nature. Drive less, more car pools, etc.
Q: What if you give a promise and then take it back?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is not the promise which is important. What is important is: what is best for ever body, for all human beings. Suppose you have promised your daughter to take her skiing but if the weather forecast says that there will be a snow storm, what will you do? Will you take her out because you promised or will you be intelligent and say, “The promise will not bring happiness now, so I take back my promise and not take you there now”.
© The Art of Living Foundation
Q: Can you bring more sun here?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Today there is enough sun. We will take it one day at a time.
Q: Is genetically modified seed OK, or should we oppose it?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I don’t think genetically modified food is good. But genetically, we can help people get rid of diseases and problems. I am very worried about modifying food grains.
Q: Guruji, I want to be free. How can I be?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: (laughs), Freedom? How will I become free? You have to assume that you are free. Bondage is assumed, so freedom should also be assumed. Bondage is in the mind.
Today is a very special day. Every day is a special day, but today is ‘Shani pradosha’ i.e. Shivaratri on Saturday. Every month has one Shivaratri. On the 13th day after the full moon or two days before the new moon is Shivaratri. It is either on Monday or Saturday. If it falls on a Saturday, it is considered very auspicious. People chant and sing a lot of Shiva bhajans in the evening and meditate.
Q: Guruji, tell us about pradosha.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: ‘Pradosha’ is the time when divine energy dawns on the planet and redeems all the spirits. There are so many spirits. For people who die and exist as spirits, the day of pradosha redeems them, frees them. Freedom not just for the spirits but also for human beings. Desires are fulfilled and mind gets cleared. Shivaratri that comes once a year, known as ‘Maha Shivaratri’, is very special, the great night of Lord Shiva.
Every month, there is a special day of Shivratri. When you find there is festival every month, you become busy with the festivity, then you have no time to worry or do anything else.
Q: Please, tell us how to prevent pollution.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : We have to plant more trees and care for the nature. Drive less, more car pools, etc.
Q: What if you give a promise and then take it back?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is not the promise which is important. What is important is: what is best for ever body, for all human beings. Suppose you have promised your daughter to take her skiing but if the weather forecast says that there will be a snow storm, what will you do? Will you take her out because you promised or will you be intelligent and say, “The promise will not bring happiness now, so I take back my promise and not take you there now”.
“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

© The Art of Living Foundation