Guru purnima is the new year for the spiritual seeker.
It is a day for reflection on our credits and debits. A day to be grateful for all that you have achieved in the past and resolving all that you want to do in the coming years. It is a day to be grateful for all the blessings and knowledge received and to see how the knowledge has transformed our life. Realizing this and feeling grateful for all that has come your way - celebrating this and the tradition of Masters who preserved this knowledge is guru purnima.
Ask for whatever you want and it will be bestowed. The highest and best desire is to ask for knowledge and freedom. Our body has billions of cells. Each cell has its own life. Many cells are born and are dying each moment. You are managing an entire township inside your body.
The way there are so many planets moving around the sun, there are many many cells moving around within you. You are a township, like a bee hive. There are so many bees that sit in a beehive but there is only one queen bee. If that queen bee goes away, every other bee, they all disappear, the entire bee hive disappears. In the same way, in our body, there is an atom, tiniest of tiny atom, the atma which is everywhere yet nowhere. That is the queen bee - that is what you are. The queen bee, that is what the divine is. The queen bee, that is what the guru principle is.
Like fatherhood and motherhood, there is guru-hood. We all have to play guru-hood at least to somebody. We do play. Consciously or unconsciously you are all guru to somebody. You keep giving advices and guiding people, giving them loving care.You all do this. Do it 100%, without expecting anything in return: that is living the guru principle. There is no difference between the divine, the Self and the guru. They are all one - the queen bee.
Meditation is relaxing, reposing. Think of all the things to be grateful for and ask what you want for the future and bless everyone. We receive so many blessings. We should also bless all those who are in need.
“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

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