France Val de Consolation 28 July 2010
First, have confidence in yourself that only good will happen to you. Once you have come on this path, know that only something good will happen to you at every step. So, this confidence that ‘Only good can happen to me’. And then opposite values are complimentary! So, if you seem to have some loss now, it is only for some bigger profit, some good will happen. So, first is to have this definite intention, definite confirmation.
Second is to know that there are good people on the planet, very kind and compassionate people, and people will help us whenever we are in need. The world will help us when we need it. There are very few bad people. Even bad people are bad only from outside. From inside, they also have some good thing. Someone who is 100 percent bad does not exist on the planet.
'People are good! The world is good! Good people are here! And when I need, they will help me'. There will be no insecurity in life with this conviction. Thirdly, there is a universal power that is inside of me, outside of me, and everywhere in the universe. That power is responsible for everything in the universe. All the diverse creation is because of this power and that power cares for me. Some people call it God, some call it something else. But it does not matter what one calls it. There is a power, there is a spirit. That is so compassionate, and it is with you and will help you. It is also helping you now. See, when you were a child, when you could not even wipe your nose, when you could not even stand up, didn’t nature take care of you? (Affirmative, 'Yes,' from the audience.) And when you get old, you need someone to help you. Right? Somebody will take care of your needs. So, when you were very young, someone took care of you, and someone will definitely take care of you when you will be very old. So, who is putting this thought in that someone’s mind to take care of you? That is the power. So, you have always been taken care of?
Even when you are capable and strong, you must know that there is a power that takes care of you. So, if we just understand this, a great relaxation happens, and the insecurity in the mind goes away, all the fear goes away. Great relaxation, confidence, trust and everything comes. All that is needed in life just come up. So, when we were incapable, we were taken care of, and if we become incapable, we will be taken care of. Now also, we are taken care of and we should also do the same thing. We should also take care in whatever possible manner, wherever it is necessary. This is human life.
Human life has two purposes. One is how much you take, and second is how much you give. So, what is that you can take in the world? You cannot take all the money out of this world. You may earn millions of dollars, but you will have to leave it here. It cannot go with you. The millions of dollars or euro you earn come to help to take care of your food, clothing, a little comfortable bed and room to sleep, and travel a bit here and there. That is all. It cannot bring happiness.
We should not expect money to bring us happiness. If we do it, we are not intelligent. If we think money is going to bring us happiness, it is like saying, “I can eat coins and get rid of my hunger”. You need an eatable to get out of your hunger, and not Euros or coins. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. You should not expect money to bring you happiness. You can buy an eatable with Euro, that is a different thing.
Ultimately, happiness cannot be bought by money. We must know this very well. So, get all this comfort in life. But what is it you should get? Comfort is a small thing. But what is it that you can take with you? What can go with you is knowledge. What gets imprinted in the consciousness is knowledge. So, how much knowledge have you gained? Knowledge is not what you read in a book, but it is awareness. How much awareness you have gained? How much broadness in your mind has come up? And in giving, how much love have you given back to the world.
So, how much love have you given?
And how much knowledge have you taken?
These are the only two things that will be asked, and that makes life more fruitful. So, we are all on the right track.
Are you all happy? (A loud, 'Yes!') This is so nice and fortunate. We completed Guru Purnima few days back – 25 July. That was the day we celebrate the knowledge and the love together. Full moon is the symbol of love. It is lovely to walk in the full moon. Moon is very romantic. Isn’t it? So, knowledge is not dry. Knowledge is so romantic and so full of love. That is what we celebrated few days back – Guru Purnima. We thanked all the Masters of the tradition. From thousands of years, the tradition has kept this knowledge intact. So, everyone feels so grateful for the beautiful knowledge we have received in our lives.
That is the celebration when you feel so grateful for something that is so life transforming, something that is so important for our life to be uplifted. We feel more grace flowing into our lives. More gratefulness and gratitude means more grace. More grace means more happiness, more knowledge.
© The Art of Living Foundation
First, have confidence in yourself that only good will happen to you. Once you have come on this path, know that only something good will happen to you at every step. So, this confidence that ‘Only good can happen to me’. And then opposite values are complimentary! So, if you seem to have some loss now, it is only for some bigger profit, some good will happen. So, first is to have this definite intention, definite confirmation.
Second is to know that there are good people on the planet, very kind and compassionate people, and people will help us whenever we are in need. The world will help us when we need it. There are very few bad people. Even bad people are bad only from outside. From inside, they also have some good thing. Someone who is 100 percent bad does not exist on the planet.
So, everybody has some good thing and how we enhance that goodness, is our place of work. That is what we are born to work at.
'People are good! The world is good! Good people are here! And when I need, they will help me'. There will be no insecurity in life with this conviction. Thirdly, there is a universal power that is inside of me, outside of me, and everywhere in the universe. That power is responsible for everything in the universe. All the diverse creation is because of this power and that power cares for me. Some people call it God, some call it something else. But it does not matter what one calls it. There is a power, there is a spirit. That is so compassionate, and it is with you and will help you. It is also helping you now. See, when you were a child, when you could not even wipe your nose, when you could not even stand up, didn’t nature take care of you? (Affirmative, 'Yes,' from the audience.) And when you get old, you need someone to help you. Right? Somebody will take care of your needs. So, when you were very young, someone took care of you, and someone will definitely take care of you when you will be very old. So, who is putting this thought in that someone’s mind to take care of you? That is the power. So, you have always been taken care of?
Even when you are capable and strong, you must know that there is a power that takes care of you. So, if we just understand this, a great relaxation happens, and the insecurity in the mind goes away, all the fear goes away. Great relaxation, confidence, trust and everything comes. All that is needed in life just come up. So, when we were incapable, we were taken care of, and if we become incapable, we will be taken care of. Now also, we are taken care of and we should also do the same thing. We should also take care in whatever possible manner, wherever it is necessary. This is human life.
Human life has two purposes. One is how much you take, and second is how much you give. So, what is that you can take in the world? You cannot take all the money out of this world. You may earn millions of dollars, but you will have to leave it here. It cannot go with you. The millions of dollars or euro you earn come to help to take care of your food, clothing, a little comfortable bed and room to sleep, and travel a bit here and there. That is all. It cannot bring happiness.
We should not expect money to bring us happiness. If we do it, we are not intelligent. If we think money is going to bring us happiness, it is like saying, “I can eat coins and get rid of my hunger”. You need an eatable to get out of your hunger, and not Euros or coins. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. You should not expect money to bring you happiness. You can buy an eatable with Euro, that is a different thing.
Ultimately, happiness cannot be bought by money. We must know this very well. So, get all this comfort in life. But what is it you should get? Comfort is a small thing. But what is it that you can take with you? What can go with you is knowledge. What gets imprinted in the consciousness is knowledge. So, how much knowledge have you gained? Knowledge is not what you read in a book, but it is awareness. How much awareness you have gained? How much broadness in your mind has come up? And in giving, how much love have you given back to the world.
So, how much love have you given?
And how much knowledge have you taken?
These are the only two things that will be asked, and that makes life more fruitful. So, we are all on the right track.
Are you all happy? (A loud, 'Yes!') This is so nice and fortunate. We completed Guru Purnima few days back – 25 July. That was the day we celebrate the knowledge and the love together. Full moon is the symbol of love. It is lovely to walk in the full moon. Moon is very romantic. Isn’t it? So, knowledge is not dry. Knowledge is so romantic and so full of love. That is what we celebrated few days back – Guru Purnima. We thanked all the Masters of the tradition. From thousands of years, the tradition has kept this knowledge intact. So, everyone feels so grateful for the beautiful knowledge we have received in our lives.
That is the celebration when you feel so grateful for something that is so life transforming, something that is so important for our life to be uplifted. We feel more grace flowing into our lives. More gratefulness and gratitude means more grace. More grace means more happiness, more knowledge.
“That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”
~ Sri Sri Ravishankar

© The Art of Living Foundation