Don't speak sweet lies and unpleasant truth

Remember these three aspects - naturalness, simplicity and belongingness. 
I have travelled to so many countries and met thousands of people but I have never felt that anyone is a stranger and does not belong to me.  When we do not feel that someone is a stranger then they too will not look at us as a stanger. When will someone feel the belongingness? When we feel belongingness with them. Everyone is our own and no one is a stranger - this is the first mantra.
Second, whatever is inside is also outside. Just open up your heart and be natural.
Next is living a simple life. Living with the confidence that we will anyway get whatever is needed, that is simplicity. Right or wrong, I am what I am. If we live like this, naturally, then there will not be any fear. Then there will be no doubts or blocks in life. This is the important mantra of Art of Living.
Now this does not mean that because you are natural and simple, you go to your office and tell your boss, 'you are stupid'. Don't do that! Use your brains a little. Guruji says 'be sincere and natural'; so you go to a funeral, and say, 'I don't feel anything. Why are you crying? Let us celebrate!'
I heard one gentleman went home after completing his Advanced Course, lifted his wife in his arms and happily went around the house. The wife asked, "What happened today? Has Guruji said love your wife?" Then this gentleman said, "No, no. Guruji said, carry your burden and botheration joyfully!'